Welcome to the exciting world of Pack 673 and Cub Scouts: a fun and challenging program for K-5 boys and girls!
At Pack 673, we've been developing young people for nearly 40 years by following the Mission, Vision, and Core Values of BSA:
See our About Us page for more info on our STEM learning, community service and civics, conservation, and family-oriented activities. We are chartered to Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, near Crossroads Mall (411 156th Ave. NE 98007) and have the majority of our meetings there.
IF YOU WANT TO BE PART OF AN EXCELLENT, ACTIVE PACK, you're in the right place! Not even Covid stopped us - although we did meet online for a time and provided a model for engaging online meetings that served as a model for packs around the United States, even as we used the online videos and resources that other units provided. We were stronger together than by ourselves.
Cub Scouting is a family program and parental involvement is required and expected as part of our culture. It's not for everyone, but each of our parents are invested in the success of all our scouts, including their own, and it works!
As our Cub Scout Motto says, "Do your best!"
If you are new, please click here to join!
To pay registration fees for this year, visit: click here to Pay with Cheddar up.
If there is something you would like to see on the site, or something isn't working properly, please be sure to let your webmaster know by sending an email to webadmin@trooptrack.com.